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Active Detox

Active Detox

Regular price $37.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $37.95 USD
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Active Detox supports eliminating unwanted waste, while promoting weight management, healthy liver, aids digestion health, and increases energy.

You Carry 10-20lbs Of Toxic Waste

Studies show that we have between 10-20lbs of toxic waste just sitting in our small and large intestines. Over the years if not dealt with can lead to digestion problems and discomfort. According to the National Institutes of Health, as many as 70 million Americans are suffering from symptoms of poor digestive health.

A 2016 study published in the journal BMJ Open found that the average American gets 57.9% of their daily calories from 'processed foods'.A lot of these foods are marketed to you as healthy. When in reality it is quite the opposite.

Poor digestive health is much more than a problem in America. It’s a nationwide epidemic.

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